Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Cast off the Bowlines
Monday, August 29, 2011
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life
My first "real life" experience was finding an apartment, and wow, I should not have underestimated the amount of time it would take to find a place. I probably made it more difficult for myself by avoiding existing networks and choosing to focus on Craigslist, but after three weeks of emails and two (very hot and humid) weekends trekking around DC, I became an expert at finding good listings, and I now live in a fantastic shared row house in Mt. Pleasant. Other "real life" experiences have included paying rent, buying/finding furniture, grocery shopping, and, most excitingly, reading novels! For fun!
This past week was particularly exciting given the earthquake and hurricane, but for me, the most thrilling part of this week was seeing the excited 3- and 4-year olds starting their first day of school! I've been working since early July at AppleTree Institute, but my only experience with the organization's schools thus far was driving past the four buildings that were being converted into new campuses for AppleTree Early Learning Public Charter School. This past Monday, AppleTree opened its doors at 7 campuses to preschool and pre-k students, and I was happily tasked with taking family photos as children entered the new Oklahoma Avenue campus. The kids proudly showed off their backpacks and smiled widely for the camera, and then (somewhat more apprehensively) ventured down the hallway to their new classrooms. Seeing their excitement, I realized that I vaguely wished I was also heading to school, but any nostalgia was fleeting, and I was relieved to be heading back to the office later that morning.
Outside of work, I've been exploring DC and my local neighborhoods. Most of my city knowledge comes from New York City, and I was surprised to realize how different DC is from New York (and how proud DC residents are of this fact). At first, I was nostalgic for New York's crowded sidewalks and fast-paced lifestyle (and the reliance on subways as opposed to buses). But now that I'm settled in, I've begun to appreciate the quiet streets in residential neighborhoods and the friendliness DC residents (generally) show to strangers. (I do still wish I could take the metro more often, but my Twitter feed helps me get through my daily bus commutes.)
In a later post, I'll reflect more about my work thus far, as well as the DC education scene, which has already had quite the exciting summer. Bis dann!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
My first post!
This is my first blog for PP55, so hey everyone! I'm living in NYC now and working in the Nonprofit Services department of the Foundation Center. Let's start with New York...
Moving to the City has been an exciting and fun experience. Being from Princeton originally, I basically have been wishing to be able to move here ever since I saw Cats, my first Broadway show, when I was a kid, so it worked out pretty well! Having home close by has definitely been super convenient where moving is concerned -- first I brought a couple of suitcases, then I brought some room organizing/decorating stuff on the next trip, then I brought the things I forgot on the next trip, and so on...almost as easy as moving in and out of Princeton.
I'm in a super tiny 4th floor walk-up on the Upper East Side -- my roommates and I call it "quaint" and "cozy." I was definitely skeptical at first, in particular after having had a luxurious single in 1903 senior year, but it's turned out to be a really good time living with my roommates, who are really fun, and living on my own is the best.
Work so far has been really busy. I can't believe it, but I just finished week 5!!! The Foundation Center is a really great organization that helps train other nonprofits in proposal writing, grant seeking, finding finders, and basically any aspect of starting, running, and expanding a NPO. Our library has the largest collection of publications in philanthropy and we have the largest donor database online. It's a really big office too (about 100 people in the NY location) with a pretty corporate feel.
So what exactly do i do...? I maintain a lot of statistics - weekly, monthly, and quarterly - for both the fee-based and free courses that are held here in NYC and at our 4 field offices (Atlanta, Cleveland, DC and San Francisco). I also update the Facebook page (LIKE US!!! The bulk of my work involves video taping all of our special events, like panels send guest speakers, that we hold in addition to the regular training and I edit those videos into long versions for our multimedia page ( and short versions to be posted to our YouTube page (, as well as testimonials from people who use our library and teasers of the fee-based courses (read: i am now an iMovie pro). I'll also be writing some blog entries for the New York center blog ( some other things.
SO BASICALLY I kind of wear a bunch of different hats. It's really great because I have the ability to switch between tasks and it keeps me busy, which I like (short attention span).
That's all for now - I'm looking forward to reading everyone else's blogs and sharing more of my own experiences! I hope everyone who's on the East Coast is safe from Irene...
Friday, August 26, 2011
Earthquakes and Hurricanes!
I've been living in the city for just over two months and I've already had so many new experiences, earthquake. I am from Chicago where none of these silly natural disasters tend to happen. Thus, on Tuesday, when the room started to rock during our staff meeting at first I thought the construction outside had gotten really heavy. Eventually, however, we realized that wasn't the case and I may have freaked out a bit. My building was eventually evacuated and moral of the story, I am NEVER living in California. Not for me.
Anyway, besides the impending hurricane, everything is going well in my life. I still love my job, although it has been a bit slow over the summer. Sometimes I get a bit a bored at work but I think that should pass soon once things pick up during the winter....either kids get arrested less frequency over the summer or they are paroled to our program less often. Often when I don't have anything to do at the moment I will stand and talk to the lawyers or go inside the courtroom and watch a random case. Despite sitting through a number of court cases, I still definitely don't understand everything that is going on. The thing I find the most confusing are objections...I don't get when they are brought up and what makes the judge decide to sustain them versus overturning them. Hopefully I will be able to figure that out before the summer ends!
Recently I've also been working on my law school apps. It is super stressful! I never like to tell people that I am actually going to law school...I just tell them I am applying and we will see what happens after that. Additionally I am also trying to find a tutoring job, training for a half-marathon and looking for some kind of extracurricular activity I can get involved in to meet new people (if you have any ideas let me know!).
I hope everyone else is enjoying their summer as much as I am! If you are in New York I hope you have a safe and dry weekend!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
College . . . As Seen from the Other Side
The difference is that I am now a staff member in this Ivy tinted bubble -- but one that is surrounded by a thriving NYC metropolis. And it has been such a learning curve from graduating from college and then turning around and making a huge course packet this summer. And we thought that it was a lot of work reading those course packets -- I never knew about the time spent making them. Or what an experience it has been to research, fact-check, spell-check, and the like for someone who is writing those same types of articles that I spent the past four years doing a healthy balance of reading and skimming :). And I have definitely been made aware that professors, like students, have page-counts, deadlines, and their own special notebooks and binders.
When I was at Princeton, I didn't spent much time imagining what the whole experience was like from the other side. And these past 2 months or so, I have gotten a little taste of that. At the same time, I have become more acquainted with the non-profit sector; this same professor runs the non-profit that I am also working with. But it is important for me to note that my position has taught me just as much about academia, and I have not spent that much time digesting that information until now.
Classes at Teachers College, Columbia University start the week after Labor Day -- where I will be taking notes for the same class that I have been helping prepare. I will be going to class every Wednesday evening from 5:00-7:00 pm. But this time, I won't be a student :).
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
More than anything, though, I would say that the uncertainty surrounding today's earthquake is an apt (and convenient) metaphor for what's happening at Character Education Partnership this week. No, my organization hasn't fallen into chaos nor entered into disaster mode, but yes, I am definitely anxious about our next moves. My main project--helping to plan CEP's 18th National Forum on Character Education--needs a lot of work, and my supervisor and I (along with most of our coworkers) are feeling stressed. We need to find about 600 more registrants for the conference while making sure that every element of the conference runs smoothly. I always knew that event planning was hard work, but it wasn't until this week that it really hit me.
We have a lot to do. Our work is cut out for us in the final push to advertise the Forum and tie together the event's numerous loose ends. While I expect these next couple months before the conference will be stressful, I'm excited to work through the issues, figure things out, and minimize aftershocks :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Serving and Socializing!
Beyond my actual fellowship position, I've also enjoyed taking advantage of the other aspects of the fellowship program--meeting my mentor and the other fellows! My mentor (class of '01) has been really helpful as I try to figure out exactly what it is I want to do with my life. Like me, she graduated from Princeton knowing that she wanted to help kids but unsure as to how she wanted to do so. Like me, she ruled out a lot of careers that she did NOT want to pursue but didn't have a clear idea for a career that she did want to pursue. Talking to her about her job as a policy analyst focusing on child health and early education granted me a lot of insight into the vast number of careers available for someone who wants to make a difference in the lives of children but isn't sure that doing clinical work is the right path for her. After our conversations, I'm doing more research on maternal/child health and other public health programs.
And of course, I have loved meeting the other fellows! The social chairs of the fellowship program in DC organized a dinner for us in late July, and today we had more bonding time during DC Public Schools Beautification Day, which is a citywide effort to clean up all the public schools before the first day of school. I joined some of this year's and last year's fellows at Stuart Hobson Middle School (the #2 middle school in the District, as one of the parents proudly informed us), where we moved books to their designated classrooms, sweeped the sidewalks, and cleared the gates of weeds and vines. It was an early morning that turned into a hot day, but I had a lot of fun helping out at the school, meeting some of the students and parents there, and getting to know the other fellows a little better. Adjusting to an environment in which, unlike college, you have to actually try in order to be social has been difficult at times, and it's nice to have a network of people my age who share many of my interests through Project 55/AlumniCorps. I'm very grateful that we're provided with these opportunities to serve and connect with one another, and I'm looking forward to participating in more fellows' events to come!
Busy Busy Busy
Friday, August 19, 2011
My Kind of Town, Chicago Is
Having one of the latest start dates, I just arrived in the Windy City on Wednesday. Since then it's been a mad dash to set up internet and activate electricity (I'm sure I'm not the only one who could now write a dissertation on the ins and outs of sitting on hold with ComEd and AT&T), get a physical with TB test for my employers (at the CVS Minute Clinic, which I had never heard of before this morning), and do the first round of groceries. Currently I am sitting in the Lincoln Park branch of the Chicago Public Library, benefiting from free WiFi after picking up my library card. One of my supervisors at the Carole Robertson Center for Learning just sent me a list of reading I might find beneficial before I start work a week from Monday. I must admit that I feel a little like I'm back in high school, cramming months of summer reading into the last few days of summer, but I'm also excited. I can see myself, this weekend, stretched out in a park somewhere preparing for work.
In the midst of all this, I've managed to enjoy several tranquil moments. On my first evening in town, I joined my fellow fellows and other members of the Project 55 community for a meet and greet picnic at Millennium Park where we were serenaded with John Adams' The Chairman Dances and Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 10, part of the Grant Park Music Festival. I chatted and listened to music. I ate way too much watermelon.
Yesterday evening I strolled around my new neighborhood, Lincoln Park. The weather was perfect, which just enough breeze in the trees and a lot of young families wandering around and, like me, enjoying the last days of summer.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Seeing as NYC tends to be quite expensive...
Monday, August 15, 2011
My Day at a Library Branch
It's Payday, Payday...
I think my life might stop sounding like a comedy show soon, but who knows.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
KSS 2011
I never realized that putting on a conference was so intense. It was 3/4 professional development conference 1/4 pep rally for 2200 teachers and school leaders. We also had 170 potential/current investors and partners who attended (this is kind of my jam, as I'm on the Development team), each of whom needed a registration packet, complete with personalized itinerary. Which is fine, but because they're such big deals, their plans change a lot :/ Kept us on our toes, for sure.
Best parts about KSS in Nashville:
- Seeing the impact we're having on real students. We had a bunch of co-curricular groups come in, and I got to meet a lot of the KIPPsters. I also got a chance to meet some graduated KIPPsters who had made it through college. Seeing the growth that happens between the two stages was incredible. I was definitely proud to be part of the movement.
- Nashville is awesome. Maybe it's because I'm pretty country myself, but I LOVED the city. Live music everywhere, tons of people who dress like me (who I never really managed to find in Princeton), perfect nighttime weather (remember, I live in SF now), and a great opportunity to get to know my coworkers better
- I got to run with Former Mayor Adrian Fenty. yup. we're tight now. He was down to go as far as I wanted and only kind of kicked my butt. In my defense, it was 5 am on the day after the hottest day in Nashville since 1956 and my 6th day of training @ 5 that week, but I'll give him the win on that one anyway :) There were all sorts of rock stars like him who attended (Meg Whitman, Reed Hastings, Pam Flaherty, John Fisher, Doris Fisher, Mark Nunnelly, etc) and while I tried to be as professional and levelheaded as possible, inside I was leaping up and down like a three year old.
What I didn't like about Nashville:
***crickets chirping***
...but in all seriousness, it was a LOT of work. I only had time to go out and see the city a couple of times throughout the 7 days I was there and the days were ridiculously LONG. Guess I know what it would feel like to be in banking, now ;) And they don't get to change lives every day. Oh yeah. I went there. Sappy, but true.
In short, I'm loving it here. I drank the KIPP Koolaid. I'll save my thoughts on what I love/ don't love about SF for next time.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
1. Pick your assignments- I'm given a lot of freedom to decide what to work on and how to approach it. I am currently designing the Parent Teacher Association meeting calendar for the upcoming year and I get to decide what to put on it. My ideas so far are a discussion about how to manage your child's Individual Education Plan as a parent and a talk on keeping kids active (perhaps including a bicycling trip). Having so much freedom is fantastic because even when my supervisor gives me a project that doesn't seem too interesting I can shape it into something I'm excited about. I wish I could have changed assignments I didn't feel like doing at Princeton in this way!
2. Not competitive- every person in my office has a different job and at the same time we're all working toward the same ultimate goal-- to help the kids this organization serves. As a result, there is no sense of competition. My computer wasn't set up to print for the first few days so I had to keep bugging my office mate Rosa to print stuff for me. I kept thinking she would get annoyed but she always seemed happy to help. Try repeatedly asking grumpy Firestoners to print things and I doubt you'll have the same success...
3. All kinds of people- My office mates range from twenty-year-old teachers to sixty-year-old nurses to forty year olds whose English is worse than my Spanish. I have really enjoyed getting to know such a variety of people.
4. When you're done you're done. When I walk out of here each evening I bring only my empty lunchbox. Papers and work are left at my desk and I have the whole night ahead. At school I certainly did take chunks of hours off of work but usually with a tinge of guilt. Now I run the Hudson River Park guilt free. Tonight I am planning a picnic.
All this aside, I really miss Princeton... Does anyone else dream about getting ready to go out on a Saturday night or Frist candy?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
There is No Way that it's August Already
So I started to reflect and wonder why might these months have sped past? Am i having such an exhilarating work experience that time simply flew past me? Or maybe they're keeping me so busy that I barely notice time passing? I thought really hard and realized I couldn't come up with one single thing, but rather like a gazillion answers. I had a different reason for why each week had blown by so quickly.
Whether it was laundry, dishes, or crunch time at work, visiting family, meeting up with friends, running errands, keeping up w/personal emails, traveling to NY to visit Princeton peeps, cleaning the apartment, making it to that friends b-day party, grocery shopping, balancing the monthly budget/bills, getting in your weekly jog, yoga, gym, or aerobics class, and MAYBE breathing if you get a chance. After this reflection I called about 2 other fellows who simply laughed at the fact that they knew EXACTLY what i was talking about. I mean it's not like Pton is easy or anything but this real life thing certainly isn't a walk in the park if you know what I'm saying. I know everyone's experience is slightly different but I feel like pretty much you all can relate...or maybe not and it's just me..making this yet another awkward moment for my novice blogging career. lol but it's all good.
So how do we manage this crazy-ness aka "the real world?"
My answer: I have no idea...just as new to it as you all. :-) But I Googled it and thought that some of you might find these tips helpful.
1. "Stop and relax. When someone has so many things to accomplish, pressure will only lead to stress. Once you are into this dreary state, getting out of it might take days, weeks, or even months - depending on your level of motivation. Organize your thoughts in order to better organize that tight schedule."
2. If relaxing, and planning properly and all that good stuff doesn't work for you then you should at least talk to someone about it. This month I finally met up with my mentor and she ROCKS!! Like honestly i was so surprised by how well we clicked even though we didn't have that much in common but the best part is everything that I was explaining to her...she had experienced and had great tips for me. And they're SO eager to help. And even when she was stumped I was happy to just be able to vent. You know...vent about the stuff that goes on that you CAN'T blog about. lol ;-) But seriously even if it's not your to someone. It can't hurt.
So those are my two tips...a bunch of other stuff happened in Aug/July but those were the two most imp thing i learned that I'll def carry with me through the rest of the year. ps those of you in the D dot C we should hang out!! I know a bunch of great places so shoot me an email and let's make something happen
Happy fellowing,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
That Happened...

... And it will keep happening.
I wore flip-flops on my way to work and changed into my heels only in front of the office. Flip-flops are apparently the number one thing you are NOT supposed to wear at work, but there's no penalty for wearing them before and after! I know this is no revelation, but I just highly encourage everyone to do it and not feel ashamed of changing shoes on the sidewalk. Those corporate suits giving you a seemingly contemptuous look are really just jealous of your blister-free feet.
Disclaimer: The author of the blog displaying the above picture argues that flip-flops are actually dangerous to wear in New York. He might have a point there, but even so, you can always wear sneakers or rain boots to the office and back, depending on the weather.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Real Citizens of New York
I’ve seen the ragged beggars sleeping on the steps of churches at night. I recently even saw a policeman tasering a homeless man who was asleep under the roof of Newark Penn Station. As a dutiful new New Yorker, I’ve almost learned to look away or pretend those people don’t exist, although this saddens me and makes me feel ashamed.
But the other day, in the fashionable shopping stretch of Fifth Avenue, I couldn’t pretend to be blind. A young white woman was sitting on the pavement close to the giant Cole Haan store, holding a sign:
And indeed, she was visibly pregnant, sitting there quietly in her fairly clean but worn clothes. I’m not sure what the moral of this story is. Perhaps, it’s that vulnerability is not just a quality of urban minorities. Perhaps, it’s that in this city of beautiful facades, even the beggars on Fifth Avenue are attractive young women.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Philadelphia's Prison Population Drop
At its peak in January 2009, the inmate population hit nearly 10,000. Since then, it has fallen to 8,200 - and dropped below 7,700 in the spring. The inmate population drop has largely been attributed to policy changes by District Attorney Seth Williams. These policies include a greater emphasis on pre-trial diversion programs (such as the Small Amounts of Marijuana program, and the Accelerated Misdemeanor Program which I am involved in), as well as changes in the way that prosecutors charge crimes.
Here are a few links to the newspaper coverage of the recent Pew Report documenting Philadelphia's prison population drop, as well as a link to the report.
"Pew: changes are reducing Philly's prison population"--Inquirer
"Prison population down; new programs cited"--Daily News
"Philadelphia's Less Crowded, Less Costly Jails"--Pew Charitable Trusts