Monday, January 23, 2012

City Life

Having lived in suburbs all of my life, I've never been especially familiar with public transportation.  Yes, I've taken public buses before, and yes, I've taken trains to NYC and Philly, but I've always had to look up schedules and prepare a detailed itinerary before embarking on any trip of any distance.  I've always been impressed when my friends and family in New York City, for instance, were able to direct me to specific trains without skipping a beat.  While I've always liked the idea of taking public transportation, it just hasn't been a big part of my life. 

Until now, that is!  My brother (a past P55 fellow) visited me in D.C. over the weekend, and his visit brought to light just how familiar I am with both public transit and the city in general.  I was the one showing him around; I was the one who knew where the closest metro stop was; I'm the one familiar with D.C.

Surely many other car-less fellows have come to a similar realization at some point during their fellowship.  Still, it was exciting to realize that I'm really settled into my new city.  I've been here for 6 months but it feels like much longer--in a good way.    

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