Thursday, January 26, 2012

January update

Hi everyone,

It is approaching the middle of winter (although the 50-degree weather makes it hard to tell) and I can't believe how quickly this year is going! I guess part of living in New York is being CONSTANTLY overwhelmed with things to do--and since I have very intense FOMO (fear of missing out) I tend to overbook myself rather than risk missing anything. But I love it and would much rather be too busy then bored.

In addition to having a pretty busy life outside of my job, work has definitely started to pick up recently. I don't know why--maybe there has been an increase in arrests overall or maybe the judges have begun to prefer our program--but we have an somewhat overwhelming number of kids in the program right now. It is actually kind of great for me because I much prefer being busy to having nothing to do--although I am getting a bit tired of doing intake interviews (I feel like I am going to start having dreams about describing consent forms). But I don't think we have ever had this many kids in the program before so it is definitely a new terrain for everyone at Choices.

Outside I've work I've mostly been focusing on upping my running mileage (since I signed up for a marathon, kinda gotta start training for that) and figuring out where I want to go for law school! More than anything, however, I am just trying to enjoy this year before I enter the terribleness that is the first year of law school!

That is all for this blog post! More later.


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