Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Day from Baltimore

Today is our first "snow day" of the year (and I mean since 2012), March 6th.  All the DC fellows know what I'm talking about!  Except here in Baltimore it is literally just rain and a little wind, but Hopkins still closed due to the inclement weather.  Apparently it's worse in other parts of the state.

As it nears the end of the year, I'm juggling work and trying to figure out what to do next year.  I'm sure it's a struggle that a lot of P55ers are dealing with.  As much as I've loved Baltimore and my job here, I'm planning to move out of the city and on toward my other love, architecture.  I'm trying to figure out how to merge design, sustainability, and food systems into one career.  For now though, I'm still very excited to be at the Center for a Livable Future soaking up all the information I can until this summer.  I've learned so much!  From random facts about the flu pandemic of 1918 to nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay to the frustrating hurdles of the political system (I got to see a colleague testify about a pesticides bill in Annapolis last week).  It's been a great experience so far, and I hope I can continue to keep the food system a focus of mine throughout my career. 

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