Tuesday night, I had the pleasure of attending the pp55 New York community seminar entitled "Rethinking Masculinity". The seminar was a panel discussion with Feminist Activist and writer, Gloria Steinem, and the co-Authors of "Why We Need to Reimagine Masculinity", Tony Dokoupil, and Andrew Romano '04. The topics of discussion ranged from the significance of a parental leave act to why programs like Princeton AlumniCorps attract more women than men. In light of our discussion on Tuesday, I feel it would be remiss not to follow-up and speak out against the recent attacks on women's health and federal family planning funding we briefly discussed during the our seminar. However, I not only want to alert readers to the problems, but also offer concrete actions we can all take to help women across the country.
Over the past several weeks the newly elected leaders in the House of Representatives have launched the most devastating legislative assault on women’s health care in American history. This past Friday, as part of its budget proposal, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to completely eliminate the national family planning program, also known as Title X. Since 1970 when President Richard Nixon signed it into law, Title X has provided millions of women with preventive health care regardless of their ability to pay. Eliminating the Title X program would mean NO federal funding for family planning services such as: birth control, emergency contraceptives, breast and cervical cancer screening, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, and access to basic health care for millions of low-income women, men, and teens. Title X is the program that allows teenagers across the country to access free and confidential reproductive health care and supports evidence-based and scientifically accurate sexual education.
In addition to cutting the entire national family planning budget, the House of Representatives also voted Friday to bar Planned Parenthood from receiving any federal funding. Lets be clear, this has nothing to do with ensuring that tax-payer dollars are not spent on abortions- legislation has prohibited federal dollars from funding abortion since before I was even born. Title X services do not fund abortions and neither do any of the federal funds provided to Planned Parenthood. These services do REDUCE the need for abortion and lower the incidence of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV. Nationally, abortion accounts for 3% (yes, 3%) of Planned Parenthood's services.
For all you fiscal conservatives, family planning programs also save millions in state and federal dollars each year. For every $1 spent on family planning services, $4 in Medicaid costs are saved. The importance of investing in family planning is blatant when you consider the cost of providing a low income woman with a year supply of birth control as compared to the cost of providing the same woman with nine months of prenatal care and continued food, shelter, etc. for her and her newborn.
This legislation has nothing to do with preventing tax-payer dollars from being spent on abortion, or reducing the federal deficit; it has everything to do with restricting women’s access to birth control and the right to exercise our reproductive freedoms. This legislation was created by people who claim to be opposed to abortion yet at the same time are putting massive effort into undermining the delivery of vital education, supplies and health care that prevent the need for it.
So what happens next?
This budget package, including the funding ban on Planned Parenthood, has already been passed by the House. It is unlikely that this package will pass in the Senate on an up-or-down vote- but that's not how this works. The real action on the budget is the conference negotiation that takes place behind closed doors, where the fate of Title X, Planned Parenthood, and the millions of women, men and teens who rely on them will be on the table for political bargaining.
I cannot overemphasize how important it is that you take action. We have to make sure that the voices of the millions of human beings who benefit from these programs are heard in Washington. I would not be emailing if I didn’t think your help was absolutely necessary. Below I have detailed some ways you can take action.
Call Your State’s Senators
When constituents call, elected officials take note, serious note. This is true regardless of whether you are calling to say thank you or offer criticism.
Please take two minutes to call your senators and let them know that you “strongly urge them to fight against any legislation that seeks to eliminate the Title X Family Planning Program and any attempt to ban Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funding.”
Call Your State’s Representatives
You can find information on each of your state’s representatives at this website: http://clerk.house.gov/member_
Sign Planned Parenthood’s Open Letter to Congress
This one is easy, just click the link below and enter your information. https://secure.ppaction.org/
Attend Planned Parenthood's Rally for Women's Health
On Saturday, February 26th, Planned Parenthood will be holding a Rally for Women's Health. They aim to to bring together thousands supporters in Foley Square to stand up for women’s health.
Details of the Rally:
February 26th, 1-3pm
Foley Square, Across from the Courthouse in Lower Manhattan
RSVP link: http://www.ppaction.org/site/
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