Monday, July 25, 2011

The things I've learned after my first week:

I arrived in DC one week and two days ago, and I've been working at Character Education Partnership for exactly one week and one day. Here's what I've learned so far:
  1. People are nice. I have been "homeless" for the duration of my fellowship (since I don't move into my permanent apartment until this coming weekend), but people I didn't even know that well have provided me places to stay. I arranged to stay for a few nights with with my co-fellow Sarah and her roommates Hillary (also a fellow) and Alana, as well as with my boyfriend's brother's ex-Princeton-roommates. It was just so nice of them to let me stay with them--thanks guys! Also, the doorman to my office building is so cheery and always greets Sarah and me quite enthusiastically. And then there's the President and CEO of CEP who gave me a high five the other day.
  2. Washington, D.C. is a hot place. I know there were record-breaking temperatures all over the region during this past week, but I must say, it has been unbelievably hot in the city. Luckily, my office building is (extremely) air conditioned and the apartments I've been staying in have both been air conditioned. I can only imagine what it would be like to be one of the many truly homeless people I pass on my way to work during a week like last week.
  3. Walking is nice. I've been doing a fair amount of walking now that I live in a walk-able city and have to get to work, and it's great. I recommend that everyone walk to work or walk during their lunch break if they are able--it's such a calming yet energizing way to start the day. I'll be taking the metro to work once I move into my apartment in Arlington, but I'm going to make it my goal to make the trek to work a few times each month!
  4. Working for someone is much different than working for myself. When I was at school (remember Princeton?), I was in charge of my work; at CEP, my supervisor is in charge of my work. When I would write a paper for a class, I would follow my own rules and decide on my own what was appropriate or necessary to write; at CEP, I check everything I write or work on with at least two other people. I haven't decided yet if I do or do not like the very collaborative and collective writing/working process at work--I'll keep you posted.
  5. I'm really glad to live in a city with a core group of people! I had a great time at the DC area welcome gathering the other day--we went to Zorbas to meet up with the other fellows and get acquainted with one another. It was great hearing about everyone else's jobs so far and comparing our 30-second elevator speeches about our jobs. It also reminded me that I have a whole community here already, and that's pretty cool.
It's been a hectic but fun first week. Thanks to everyone who helped me through it!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Carol, we couldn't ask for a better guest!!!