Monday, May 7, 2012

"Won't Back Down"

(This post sort of straddles two locations since I'm a current fellow in Connecticut, but I will be a fellow next year in the Bay Area!)

As the next fellow for NewSchools Venture Fund for the upcoming year, I was lucky enough to fly to San Francisco to attend their annual Summit, attended by almost 1000 of the nation's top education reformers. To listen to and be among (and even having a chance to interview) the most innovative and rebellious thinkers and change agents in education reform today - it was truly the two most inspiring days of my life.

At the conference, I was able to attend an early screening of a movie called "Won't Back Down", which stars Viola Davis and Maggie Gyllenhaal (who are both absolutely brilliant in this film), as well as listen to a panel with the director. I cannot recommend this movie more, it is not only extremely powerful, it is also much too important not to see. While the film is centered around the controversies of the parent trigger laws of certain states (that allow parents to overrule administrators and bad teachers at failing schools), it touches on so many of the key issues with our school systems and so many of the reasons why education reform is critical.

"Won't Back Down" will be in theaters this September. Whether you watch it for the issues, the controversy, the touching storyline, or the incredible acting by Viola Davis, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and others - it doesn't matter, just watch it. And tell your friends and family! I promise that you and they will not only enjoy this movie, but will want to pass on the message.

Here is a New York Times article on "Won't Back Down":

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