Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Alas and alack...

Cruel Fate, the harsh mistress, has again placed me after Mark in this divine spindle, this twisted carousel that we aimlessly have seen fit to call... The 2010-11 Princeton AlumniCorps Project 55 Blog.

(That is one heck of a moniker.)

Seriously, though... I hate to invoke one of those dusty cliches, but... okay, get ready...

I've only been here a month and a half, but it feels like a year and a half.

Work is at times stressful, at times confusing - I'm still learning the dictionary of education-related acronyms - also at times frustrating - darn it, Illinois really should have gotten that Race to the Top grant today - but all the time, what feels like a fantastic experience. I am doing a mix of writing (research briefs and grant proposals, mostly) and communications (let's get that new website up, and those Facebook and Twitter accounts running like a smooth fleet of Segway tourists (I know you've seen them, fellow Chicago Fellows)). Again, it's been really nice thus far.

To give credit where credit is due, I have been extremely impressed with the P55 network out here. Enjoying living with two present/future Fellows, getting to know other Fellows, and meeting fellow (not Fellow) Princeton alumni, my mentor and otherwise. Cohesive, warm, welcoming... each adjective verges on the staid and well-worn, but, again, they all ring pretty true of the P55 Chicago community. Big kudos to whatever selfless individual is responsible for making this run smoothly.

Finally, more kudos to Alejandro and his always enjoyable posts, which at times border on truly lyrical. You may be describing the "quotidian" but I think your writing ability surpasses the everyday. Sweet stuff.

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