Monday, August 15, 2011

It's Payday, Payday...

I received my first paycheck today. This is a significant event in my life not only because it makes me feel like a worthy human being to know that I earn my own spending money, but also because… well, because I now *have* spending money. Until I pay my overdue rent. But I believe at least I will avoid awkward situations, such as the one in which I found myself a few days ago. I was leaving the Lower East Side late-ish on Friday when a homeless man approached me outside the subway stop. He held a cardboard sign asking for $1 and I couldn’t help myself but laugh as I replied: “Would you believe me if I told you I literally don’t have one dollar?” (In truth, I had some coins in my wallet, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t amount to a whole dollar.) The man tried to push a wrinkled dollar bill into my hand. When a homeless man takes pity on you and offers you money, you know you need to get your personal finances straight…

I think my life might stop sounding like a comedy show soon, but who knows.

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