Monday, November 28, 2011

Homecoming x 2

While I did not make it back to Princeton for Homecoming weekend, I was fortunate enough to be home for Thanksgiving last week. During college, it was often difficult for me to travel all the way to California (and back again) over such a short break. This year, I was so grateful to take off for a few days and spend time with my family whom I have not seen in 6(!) months. Vacation time is definitely one of the perks of “life after Princeton.”

Despite battling the busy airports, nearly missing one of my flights, and spending two hours wondering if my checked bag had made it onto the plane, it dawned on me that my return to New York City really was also a second homecoming. Over the past half-year, I truly have settled into my new city. (A former dance professor of mine noted how much more “at ease” I seemed in my body; I certainly trust her reading of body language.)

The first day back to work was a busy day at the Education Through Music office. This time of year is the beginning of the holiday giving season and, as such, we are preparing to send out over 1,000 appeal letters seeking support for our music programs. This is quite a task in organization (and patience) but I know the fruits of our labor will be worth it. From the ETM program staff and music teachers, I have been hearing about the repertoire that each school is preparing for the upcoming holiday concerts. From the handbells to hand-choreography, each one sounds like it is going to be so much fun, not only for the students, but for all the teachers and parents in attendance. I can’t wait to attend and see these kids perform in the first big concert of the year!

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