Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Small moments

The highlight of my time at NAC (New Alternatives for Children) happened yesterday afternoon. Last minute, I was asked to watch a 10-month-old baby while his family had a meeting with a social worker here at the agency. I found my way to the "Lamb Room," a small playroom, and met the adorable little chunk! We played for an hour, and when the meeting went over, I stayed for another hour with him. (My schedule is not yet packed since I'm still learning the ropes!) He started getting fussy, so I sat him on my lap, and then he lay down. Soon he was asleep and snoring LOUDLY! It was adorable. I sloooowly inched myself back so I could prop myself up on the wall, and he didn't budge. I rubbed his back while he snoozed. It was a little moment but it was so peaceful!

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